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Prince Harry: This favor that he expects from his grandmother Elizabeth II in spite of the Megxit


According to the British tabloid The Express, this Sunday, October 18, Prince Harry would like to take on a new role in the royal family.

In January 2020, Prince Harry began the New Year with a shocking decision. On his Instagram account, together with Meghan Markle, he announced that he would relinquish his status as a senior member of the royal family.

The Megxit came into effect on March 31, 2020, and the Duke of Sussex now enjoys a new life on the other side of the Atlantic, where he would feel more isolated than ever. But according to the British tabloid The Express – which quotes royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams this Sunday, October 18 – little Archie’s father could return to his past in the British army, he who would like to resume his military duties. A request that he will certainly make to Her Majesty Elizabeth II.

“I think he would very much appreciate having his military ties restored to him,” Richard Fitzwilliams told our colleagues across the Channel. For, in the spring of 2021, Her Majesty Elizabeth II will again consider the conditions of release of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Anything is therefore possible for the Duke since, since the Megxit, “no one is currently occupying these positions after all,” as the commentator points out. “So this may be one of the most likely changes to their arrangement.”

Prince Harry stripped of his titles

As a reminder, as part of the exit agreement of Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry renounced all royal functions and titles. Prince William’s younger brother was thus forced to give up his official military appointments.

He was stripped of three of his titles, namely, Captain General of the Royal Marines, Honorary Commander of the Air Force at Royal Air Force Base Honington and, finally, Honorary Commodore-in-Chief of Small Ships and Diving of the Royal Naval Commands.

This was a major blow for Prince Harry who, like any other high-ranking royal man, was fully committed to his military career until 2015, when he was forced to leave the army, unable to serve in the field for security reasons related to his status.

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