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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prince Harry: This day when he drank several liters of alcohol to forget


In the book Prince Harry: The Inside Story, quoted by our source, Duncan Larcombe recalls the day when Prince Harry drank several liters of alcohol to forget his pain.

For the press and the British public, he was none other than “Dirty Harry”, Prince Harry’s fun-loving alter ego, frequently seen at parties with a bottle or a glass in his hand. But in private, the Duke of Sussex was mostly a young man plagued by dark thoughts, turning to alcohol to heal. This is revealed in the book Prince Harry: The Inside Story by Duncan Larcombe. In this book, the author recalls the day when the father-to-be drank liters of alcohol to console himself. The facts date back to 2008.

Prince Harry would have been furious not to have been able to pay a personal tribute to Lady Diana in April 2008, two days after the end of the investigation into the death of the Princess of Wales. Only a statement from Prince Charles was released at the time. He felt compelled to remain silent. “Harry was angered by the official statement from his father’s staff, issued in his name and welcoming the findings of the investigation.”

To forget his pain, Meghan Markle’s husband let loose at the bachelor party of his cousin Peter Phillips, who is about to marry Autumn Kelly, with his older brother William. “Under his arm was a piece of plastic pipe taped to one end by a large funnel. At one point, Harry knelt down, put the other end of the pipe in his mouth while a buddy poured two liters of alcohol (…) Even by Harry’s standards, he was a young royal who drank himself into oblivion,” Duncan Larcombe recounted.

Prince Harry, revengeful?

And when talking to Prince Harry, asking him why he did not oppose the statement of Prince Charles, Duncan Larcombe was entitled to a response of the most cashs. “They don’t work for me, they work for my father,” the Duke of Sussex is said to have quipped, referring to the Prince of Wales’ staff. Years of frustration that he now shares without any scruples for the royal family of England, even if it means weakening a little more his ties with his own clan.

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