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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Prince Harry solo: He gives a new interview from his sublime property in Los Angeles


For several weeks, Prince Harry has been multiplying interviews while they now live far away from the royal family. But to address the issue of racism, the Duke of Sussex has decided to express himself alone, from his home in Montecito.

In his past, Prince Harry had never really questioned racism. Not particularly a witness to racist prejudice or situations and scenes of injustice, he had to marry Meghan Markle in May 2018 to understand the subject, as he stated in an interview with GQ activist Patrick Hutchinson.

While he has been speaking with his wife about the upcoming U.S. presidential election for several weeks now, this time the Duke of Sussex decided to tackle the issue of racism alone, which he now witnesses in his inner circle.

“Once you realize it or you feel a little uncomfortable, it is your responsibility to go out and educate yourself, because ignorance is no longer an excuse,” he said from his home in Montecito where he has settled with Meghan Markle and their son Archie.

Assuming that he had long been ignorant about racial prejudice, Prince Harry said he had “no idea that it existed” because of his upbringing. “As sad as it may be to say, it took me many, many years to realize it, especially living a day or a week in my wife’s place,” he said.

Meghan and Harry committed to fighting structural racism

Victim of racism, even within the royal family, Meghan Markle seems to have awakened Prince Harry’s conscience on this subject. From now on, the couple engages in the Black Lives Matter movement, and more than anything else, they want to deconstruct “structural racism”, especially in the United States, but also in the United Kingdom.

“As long as structural racism exists, there will be generations of young people of color who will not start their lives with the same equality of opportunity as their white peers. And as long as this continues, the untapped potential will never be realized,” explained the couple, who are multiplying interventions and interviews, in pairs or solo.

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