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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prince Harry returns to England: Elizabeth II provides the welcoming committee


Just minutes after arriving at Frogmore Cottage, Prince Harry was greeted by his grandmother, Elizabeth II, who came by car to welcome him.

His arrival was highly anticipated. Prince Harry landed in the United Kingdom, this Friday, June 25, to attend the inauguration of a statue of Diana, scheduled for July 1. For the occasion, the Duke of Sussex received a singular welcoming committee. According to the tabloid The Sun, Queen Elizabeth II drove to Frogmore Cottage to see her grandson, only minutes after his arrival.

It is within this outbuilding of Windsor that the Duke of Sussex will have to respect a period of isolation of five days. At the end of this quarantine, he will have to undergo a PCR test again. If the test is negative, Meghan Markle’s husband will be able to attend the tribute to his mother without any problems.

Despite these health rules, Elizabeth II wanted to greet her grandson from afar. A symbolic gesture, according to a close to the British royal family interviewed by The Sun. “I’m sure they will have a lot to talk about. The Queen obviously wanted to see her grandson after all that has happened. She could also use this opportunity to act as a peacemaker,” the meddling voice explained.

Strong tensions between Prince Harry and the British Royal family

In recent weeks, tensions between Prince Harry and the British royal family have increased. Meghan Markle’s husband has accused the Firm of “negligence” and has also been very critical of his father, Prince Charles. So many elements that have annoyed his older brother, Prince William.

However, the two men will have to put their grievances aside to honor their mother. Hence the blessed presence of Kate Middleton, ready to act as a buffer between her husband and brother-in-law, during the tribute to Princess Diana.

Photo credits: Stillwell John/PA Photos/ABACA

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  1. I’m glad he went home for his mother’s tribute to her.
    And hope he and his family can work everything out between them.
    Harry needs his brother whether he realizes it or not he does.
    God bless the queen and her family.

    • I agree that it would be nice if they could work things out at least on a condition to be able to speak and be civil with each other. I am not from the UK and what I see looking in is that because willie was always put so high up on the royal pedestal that he looked down and still does on Harry. I imagine through his life Harry has wondered many times in his life what it was that make them treat him like they did and do. He now has someone who believes him since Diana cannot.

  2. I am very disappointed in Prince William, he should have protected his sister in law as he would his brother. Walk in her shoes, stop the media attacks that are different in nature from any he could ever imagine. Prince William has an amazing tool (Meghan) and should have utilized it for the benefit of the family. It brings to question his fitness for King.

  3. How exactly is one person supposed to stop the media attacks.? Shut down the press!? What a ridiculous expectation Jackie!
    If prince William could do that, Don’t you think he would have done that!! Prince William and Catherine have been slammed by the Tabloids for close to 18 years.
    You talk about negative comments about Megan and Harry, you’re doing the same thing, hypocrite, your talking out of both sides of your mouth.
    If you’re not part part of the solution, your part of the problem. Take your own advice and stop spreading hate.

    Megan is not a tool, she not a pawn in a chest game, it’s not Prince Williams roll, or anyone in the Royal Family except HRH The Queen, to utilize the strengths of individual’s (or couples)within the family, to promote positive roll models.
    Future more, it’s “fit to be king”, that proper grammar.


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