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Friday, July 26, 2024

Prince William dethroned by his brother Harry in a very sexy rankings


According to a ranking established by People magazine this Friday, November 20, Prince Harry managed to surpass Prince William in a particular category.

Although he is no longer one of the monarchy’s most faithful assets, Prince Harry can boast of having been elected the sexiest crowned head in the world. At least that’s what the readers of the American magazine People estimated on Friday, November 20.

A point for the Duke of Sussex against whom his elder brother, Prince William, did not measure up. Indeed, and as the British tabloid The Daily Mail noted, Kate Middleton’s husband didn’t even come in second and third place. According to our colleagues across the Channel, little Archie’s father was followed closely by Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, Prince Felix of Luxembourg and, finally, Prince Mateen of Brunei.

This is not the only title that Prince Harry can proudly wear after having been stripped of his military rewards. Meghan Markle’s husband has also been selected as the “Sexiest Father in the World”, surpassing not only Prince William but other stars such as Ryan Reynolds.

But if he was unable to convince People magazine’s followers for these two rankings, the Duke of Cambridge can count on his wife to be the pride of his clan. Recently, Kate Middleton overshadowed Meghan Markle with her wardrobe, inheriting second place in the ranking of the most stylish personalities in the luxury industry, Farfetch.

Tensions persist

What is there to rekindle the tensions between the two families? For several months, Prince Harry and Prince William have been struggling to reconcile, their relationship being tarnished by their differences of opinion but also by the differences between their respective wives.

A relationship that has become conflictual, particularly following the Megxit, which the royal biographer Robert Lacey deciphers in his book Battle of Brothers. The contamination of Prince Charles with the coronavirus, but also the concern about the health of Her Majesty Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, however, acted as an electroshock for Prince Harry, isolated in Los Angeles with Meghan Markle and little Archie. Same thing on the side of Prince William, who had hidden his diagnosis from the whole world?

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