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Friday, July 26, 2024

Prince William: Desperate, he appealed to Diana’s family to slow Harry down before his marriage


Royal expert Robert Lacey has made many confidences about the tensions between Diana’s two sons. According to him, Prince William tried everything to slow down the marriage of his brother, Harry, even calling on his uncle.

Princes William and Harry took very different paths. While one is destined to be the future king of the United Kingdom, the other has renounced his royal obligations to settle in Los Angeles. The meeting between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is not to everyone’s taste.

Moreover, Prince William seemed to be reluctant from the beginning of their relationship. Robert Lacey, a royal expert, spoke with Vanity Fair on October 20, and he made some revelations about the conflictual relationship between the two brothers.

An excerpt from his book, “Battle of Brothers: William and Harry,” already published by Kindle, proves that Prince William was worried about his brother’s marriage to Meghan Markle. For Kate Middleton’s husband, their love affair skipped a few crucial steps.

The Duke of Cambridge did not look favourably on his younger brother marrying his companion just two years after they met, in May 2018, when he had waited 10 years to ask for Kate Middleton‘s hand in marriage. For him, this decision was hasty.

Robert Lacey details in his book how William, in a desperate attempt for Harry to slow down his relationship with Meghan, asked his uncle Charles Spencer to intervene. Unfortunately, the effort backfired, and the royal expert explained to Vanity Fair: “I think it’s significant and quite sad that he didn’t turn to his own father but to Diana’s side of the family.”

A hasty decision

According to Robert Lacey, the tensions between the two brothers are so serious that they could seriously damage the image of the monarchy in the long term. “At the end of the day, we saw the Queen’s ruthlessness in the face of her absolute refusal to allow Sussex to use the royal word for their new image, and we see the same ruthlessness in William,” he said.

“The challenge for William is whether, while remaining true to his principles, he can also modernize the institution by incorporating his brother into it. That’s what everyone wants, a kind of reconciliation.” This hope is not yet relevant since Prince Harry has been punished once again and will not be able to attend Remembrance Sunday, an event that pays tribute to the memory of those who fought for the country, and which is particularly dear to Diana’s son’s heart.

Photo credits: AGENCY / BESTIMAGE

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