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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prince Harry: This moment spent with his father, Prince Charles, after the funeral of Prince Philip


One year after his departure, Prince Harry was back in his native country for a sad occasion: the funeral of his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh. The opportunity for the son of Diana to renew contact with his family and especially his father, Prince Charles.

The royal family said goodbye to Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, this Saturday, April 17. An opportunity that Prince Harry could not miss. Exiled in the United States for a year, with his wife, Meghan Markle, and their son, Archie, the youngest son of Diana has obviously made the trip to attend this sad event. The opportunity for him to see again the members of his family with whom the relations were rather tense lately following the interview that Prince Harry and his wife had given to Oprah Winfrey, broadcast on March 7.


Prince Harry walked with his father in Windsor

The funeral of Prince Philip will have served to the royal family to put aside the quarrels, at least for a few days. Indeed, Prince Charles did not fail to take advantage of the return of his son to exchange with him according toour source. “Prince Charles walked around Windsor with Harry to watch some of the tributes and spend time together,” a source revealed to the newspaper.

Harry also chatted with his brother, Prince William after the ceremony. A sequence that has not escaped the world. Kate Middleton would also have played a key role in this rapprochement. It is the Duchess of Cambridge who went to Prince Harry at the exit of the chapel to exchange a few words. They were then joined by Prince William. The wife of the latter then preferred to leave them to two to discuss.

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