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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Prince Harry: Soon back in the United Kingdom, this ordeal from which he won’t escape


For the first time since he moved to Los Angeles, Prince Harry is about to return to England. There, Meghan Markle’s husband is expected to meet Elizabeth II… who is not happy with her latest engagements.

Will Prince Harry soon suffer the wrath of Elizabeth II? Installed in Los Angeles for several months, with Meghan Markle and their little Archie, the Duke of Sussex would discreetly prepare his return to England. But not for the end of the year celebrations, which the couple prefers to spend in Santa Barbara.

As the Sun reports indeed, the staff of Kensington Palace have been invited to prepare Frogmore Cottage to welcome Prince Harry in the next few days, and without Meghan Markle. For the first time since the Megxit and its installation in a luxurious villa in the City of Angels, Prince William’s brother should also take advantage of his return to England to speak with Elizabeth II in the bubble created for her in Windsor Castle, which she found a few days ago. And if he is expecting a warm reunion, he might be disappointed.

After Prince Harry’s latest interventions in the media, the British royal family is disappointed and shocked. The reception could therefore be frosty. For the experts, the Duke has overstepped his duties by referring in particular to the forthcoming American presidential elections.

“There are all sorts of issues to be addressed, not only his political statements, but also his visa situation in the United States,” an insider told the Sun. Even if he has to isolate himself for a fortnight, the field is big enough to keep discussions at a distance”.

His Majesty should therefore take advantage of the visit of his beloved grandson to call him to order, embarrassed by his latest statements. And in particular by the fact that he encouraged the Americans to go to the polls next November.

Towards a muscular explanation?

A speech with a precise goal – even if he didn’t say it clearly -: to prevent Donald Trump from being re-elected. “You play an essential role for the future of our children (…) It is vital to reject hate speech,” he said.

A message that is not well received in England, where it is customary for members of the Crown to refrain from giving their opinions on political matters. Prince Harry’s statements even prompted Buckingham Palace to react, stating that “all of Prince Harry’s comments are made in a personal capacity”.

Embarrassed by her grandson and ordered by some to strip her of all her royal titles, Elizabeth II is said to be in a delicate diplomatic position, to say the least. “If Trump is re-elected and makes another visit here, what should the Queen say about the fact that her grandson and his wife campaigned against him,” a source in the Sunday Times asked. Prince Harry’s return to England would therefore be an opportunity for a strong explanation.

Photo credits : Agency / Bestimage

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