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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Prince Harry new adventure in Silicon Valley


After giving up his royal commitments, Prince Harry has found work. Meghan Markle’s husband has been poached by a company in Silicon Valley.

Prince Harry has found a job! According to information from the Wall Street Journal published this Tuesday, March 23, Meghan Markle’s husband would have been recruited by a Silicon Valley start-up called Better up. This company founded in 2013 offers via an application “coaching, content and personalized care to transform lives and careers.” The Duke of Sussex is expected to hold an executive position there, more precisely as “director of impact”. As indicated by our sources, the son of Prince Charles will have as new missions to contribute to “strategic decisions on products” but also to “charitable contributions” while defending “publicly issues related to mental health”.

Archie’s dad reacted to this good news in an email response to the Wall Street Journal, in which he explains his reasons for accepting the job. William’s brother states his intention “to help create an impact in people’s lives”: “Proactive coaching offers endless possibilities for personal development, increased awareness and a better life in every way” he also specified.

A new adventure for Prince Harry

This is the beginning of a professional turning point for Harry who is now detached from all his royal commitments. Indeed, on February 19, the Sussexes announced that they would not return as active members of the royal family. They thus renounced all the privileges offered by the royalty as well as their patronages.

Since the Megxit, the couple is completely independent financially. Meghan and Harry have had to go back to work in order to continue to support themselves as they made known in the Oprah Winfrey interview. In addition to this new job for Better Up, Harry will also continue to work for Netflix and Spotify with whom he has signed golden contracts as well as for his foundation Archewell that he founded with the former actress of Suits.

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