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Friday, July 26, 2024

Prince Harry: in spite of the Megxit, he despairs of regaining certain royal functions.


According to the revelations of The Express, Prince Harry would regret having abandoned his official military appointments. Queen Elizabeth II must renegotiate her conditions of exit.

Last January, Buckingham Palace was trembling. Prince Harry, sixth in the order of succession to the British throne, renounced his status as a senior member of the royal family. Alongside his beloved, Meghan Markle, he was flying to his new life on the other side of the Atlantic, after the Megxit came into effect on March 31, 2020.

A few months later, little Harry’s father would regret his departure. According to the revelations of the British tabloid The Express, the husband of the former actress would not manage to turn the page of his past in the British army.

As reported by The Express, the royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams thinks that he would “very much appreciate it if his military ties were restored to him”. By relinquishing his royal duties, Prince Harry was also to draw a line under his titles.

The one who had to leave the army in 2015 for security reasons, linked to his status, therefore abandoned his official military appointments. These were Captain General of the Royal Marines, Honorary Commodore-in-Chief of Small Ships and Diving of the Royal Naval Commands and Honorary Commander of the Air Force at Royal Air Force Base Honington.

Le prince Harry


All the odds are in his favour

In order to reconnect with his past in the British army, Prince Harry will then have to express his wishes to Her Majesty Elizabeth II, as The Express reminds us. In the spring of 2021, a review of the couple’s negotiations with the royal family should take place.

Richard Fitzwilliams is confident of Prince Harry’s ambitions. According to him, “no one has held these positions” since the Megxit. “This may be one of the most likely changes to their arrangement.”

Photo credits: AGENCY / BESTIMAGE

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