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Prince Harry: His strong words on the Covid-19 pandemic


On Tuesday, December 1st, Prince Harry spoke at the launch of the WaterBear streaming platform. The Duke spoke in particular about the pandemic and did not mince his words concerning the behavior of Humans who damage the planet Earth.

The future of the environment and the fight for the climate are very important causes for Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle. The royal couple have already raised awareness in their community about environmental issues, including the carbon footprint, and have been involved in campaigns against climate change. This time it was Prince Harry alone who spoke in a video on the occasion of the launch of WaterBear Network, a free platform for documentaries on the planet and ecology.

On Tuesday, December 1, the Duke of Sussex spoke, notably on the Coronavirus epidemic that has been raging around the world for a year now. “At the end of the day, nature is our source of life,” he said, reported the New York Post. Then he added that according to him the pandemic is the retribution for our ecological behavior, and that the world must wake up and realize this awareness.


An awareness to have

In a discussion with Ellen Windemuth, the president of WaterBear Network and Strategy Director Sam Sataria, Prince Harry made another confidence: “Someone told me at the beginning of the pandemic, it’s almost as if Mother Nature sent us back to our rooms for our bad behavior, to take a real moment to think about what we’ve done”.

Then the 36-year-old father then repressed humanity for taking the natural resources of planet Earth for granted. “[The pandemic has] certainly reminded me of how interconnected we all are, not just as individuals but through nature,” he said, before concluding, “We take so much from it and rarely give it back.”

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