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Miscarriage of Meghan Markle: Harry pushed her to break the silence


According to the revelations of a royal expert, Prince Harry would have advised Meghan Markle to share their sad story. The former actress miscarried last summer.

She had hidden it from the world. This Wednesday, November 25, in the columns of the New York Times, Meghan Markle finally decided to reveal it. The former Duchess of Sussex reported having a miscarriage last summer.

“After changing the diaper, I felt a strong cramp,” she wrote in a shocking message. Before continuing: “I dropped to the floor with him in my arms, humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the joyful melody contrasting sharply with my feeling that something was wrong. I knew as I grabbed my firstborn that I was losing my second.”

Meghan Markle overcame this ordeal with Prince Harry. If he didn’t endure the pain, he also lost that child. To grieve, Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson would have advised him to reveal their grief. “Harry said, ‘I think you should write about this, because if we can help another family go through the same situation, then that’s a good reason to do so,” said royal expert Katie Nicholl in The Royal Beat on True Royalty TV.

If the letter was signed only by the former actress, Prince Harry would have been very “involved” in the writing. An act of bravery that the journalist praised. “There are some things you would never expect from a member of the royal family,” she said. Before asking, “When have we ever seen a member of the royal family in such a position?” According to her, the man who lost his mother, Lady Diana, at the age of 12 is “incredibly brave”.

A lot of support

Already very united, the couple formed by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry would have been strengthened following this drama. “I’ve been told that this has brought them even closer together. Going through something so terrible can make or break a relationship,” said the Crown specialist. Archie’s parents would also have received a lot of support from the Windsor family.

“They were very supportive. They knew what had happened. Harry was in constant contact with them this summer. They knew what they were going through,” said Katie Nicholl, royal expert for Vanity Fair, on BBC 5 Live.

Le prince Harry, Meghan Markle et Archie
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Archie


Photo credits: Backgrid UK/ Bestimage

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