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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle of Denmark


The various Danish newspapers have reported in recent days new rumors of persistent disagreements between Princess Mary, wife of Frederik of Denmark, and Princess Mary, wife of Joachim of Denmark. A tense relationship which is compared to that of Kate Middeleton and Meghan Markle.

Between Princess Mary and Princess Marie, is the cord definitively cut? The passage to a new year and the geographical separation between the two sisters-in-law have obviously not given new impetus to the complicated relationship between the wife of Frederik of Denmark and that of Joachim of Denmark.

The Danish press reports a new trigger that would not have helped the situation between them: Princess Mary’s reaction to Prince Joaquim’s stroke in the summer of 2020 would not have been appreciated by Princess Mary.

The latter would not have been pleased if only Prince Frederik had come to visit Joachim at the Château de Cayx, a residence owned by the Danish royal family in Cahors, France.

In addition to this event would be added the family tension which would persist following the decision of Joaquin of Denmark and Marie to remain finally some time in Paris after the illness of the son of the queen Margrethe II.

Initially planned as a sabbatical year in France, the couple finally decided to extend their stay in France for another three years. Joachim of Denmark is now the Danish defense attaché in Paris. In the Danish magazine See and Hear, Princess Marie then took the floor to react to the situation: “It is not always we who decide. I think it is important to know that. I loved living in Denmark. It is a wonderful country. Everything works well and there are not many problems.”

A relationship compared to that of Meghan Markle and Kate Middeleton

Since then, the Danish press has been comparing the relationship between the Princesses Mary and Mary to that of Meghan Markle and Kate Middeleton, which is just as much a source of tension in the British royal family.

In March 2020, the Daily Mail reported that Meghan Markle is said to have told close friends that her farewell tour to the UK had reinforced her belief that she had done well to give up her royal title, scratching it in the process: “Relations between members of the royal family are not warm… It’s always strange for her that nobody hugs each other and they’re all so uptight, especially Kate.

She says it’s obvious that Kate and William don’t approve of their choice, and that the tensions between them are a knife’s edge,” a source close to the duchess told the Daily Mail.


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